The Worst Invasive Aquatic Weed For Your Business


If you have a pond or small lake on or bordering your property, chances are that you know about invasive aquatic weeds. They can quickly make a real mess out of your waterbody, if nor completely choke it off. In order to restore your pond to a healthy condition, it is best to work with professional aquatic weed control experts.

The Number One Worst Invasive Aquatic Weed

The top spot among the many invasive aquatic weed goes to hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata). The problem pond vegetation, native to Asia and Africa, came to the United States as a result of the aquarium trade and got a foothold in Florida. It is now widespread throughout the southeastern United States as far north as Connecticut. It has also spread to California. This weed is a prodigious grower, up to 1 inch per day, and reproduces by fragmentation and through bud propagation. It forms dense stands and mats that quickly choke out your pond’s natural vegetation and disrupts the overall ecosystem of your water. States with hydrilla problems are spending millions of dollars combatting this weed.

Other Top Contenders

Hydrilla is not the only invasive aquatic weed that can threaten your pond or lake. Here are a few other problem culprits that can clog up your waterbody:

  • Cuban club-rush
  • Aquatic soda apple
  • Water hyacinth
  • Napier grass
  • Water spinach
  • West Indian marsh grass

These aquatic weeds and many others with equally unusual-sounding names can grow uncontrollably, destroy a pond’s ecosystem and lead to rapid eutrophication.

Don’t ignore the problem; it won’t go away on its own. Your best bet is to work with a professional firm knowledgeable about the control and abatement of invasive aquatic species. Generally, these businesses use a natural holistic approach to intelligently restore your lake’s or pond’s health. Moreover, they can do this without wiping out fish, wildlife, and desirable native species.