Financial Goals You Can Meet


With the euphoria for the start of a new year, people get excited setting very ambitious goals for the next 12 months. Unfortunately with the passing of the weeks the emotion disappears and with it the purposes. So that you do not succumb after a few days, we propose six financial goals that you can meet.

Keep Track Of Your Expenses

This is the easiest, and the least you should do to keep your finances stable. Get used to recording and reviewing all your expenses. Instead of accumulating receipts and vouchers in a drawer, record in a document everything you have paid to better control your money.

Decrease Ant Expenses.

This year you have no excuse: already lower your ant expenses. You know what we mean: the little coffee in the morning, the taxi because you were late, food delivered, etc. Whenever you are tempted to buy something unnecessary, multiply it by 52 weeks and see how much you can save each year.

Invest In Your Development

Doesn’t it seem ironic that you spend more on clothes or outings than on your own training? To earn a higher income or to get a better job, you don’t need new shoes, but updated training. Stop buying clothes and better allocate that budget to pay for language classes or a refresher course.

Reduce Your Debts

Achieving this purpose is much easier than it seems. Add up all the debts you have and calculate the total you must pay. Make a three, six, or 12-month plan to settle all payments, and start paying a portion of your debt each month. You can also take time to compare personal loans.

Start An Emergency Savings Fund

In case you still don’t have the habit of saving , this is a good opportunity to start it. Add up your fixed expenses for the whole month and multiply them by three. It is recommended to gather savings that cover at least the expenses of a quarter.

Manage Your Withdrawal

It is never too early to start planning your retirement. All people who started working after 1997 will receive their pension through an Afore. If you still don’t know which one is yours, this year make it your goal to find the best option and make voluntary contributions.