Why health insurance is so important in your life


There is no warning of a medical emergency. You will need health insurance to get the best medical services without a financial burden. It is no longer an option to buy health cover, but it has become a compulsion. Only 1.1 billion Indian populations are covered by health insurance, which is less than 15 percent of the Indian people.

According to WHO statistics, either through loans or through the sale of assets, 31 percent and 47 percent of hospitalizations are done in urban and rural India. However, according to estimates, 70% of Indians spend their entire income on health care and 3.2% of Indians fall below the poverty line due to high medical bills.

Health insurance is a form of insurance coverage in which an insured may receive medical expense compensation.

Health insurance is crucial for you and your family because it can wipe out all the money you have saved in those years if any medical emergency encounters you.

Although many of us believe that the health insurance provided by their employer is sufficient and they do not require additional protection, there are two reasons that you need to get extra cover.


First– This group cover only continues as long as you are employed. Tomorrow you can change your job, retire, or start anything on your own and thus, you can be stuck without any coverage.


Second– Perhaps that plan is not enough. With the rising cost of health services, health-related insurance of 5 lakh is also not enough. Therefore, you have to look at the cover given by your employer and then take another independent health insurance policy for additional coverage.

Why health insurance is so important:


Insurance may seem expensive, but not having it can cost a lot: how many people do you know have had a heart condition or have suffered a heart attack? Have you ever wondered what the cost of open-heart surgery would be? Compared to the actual cost of care for any critical condition, the monthly premium may be more attractive.


Being uninsured affects everyone: People who do not have insurance prefer to wait for their worst case and use the emergency room for treatment. This leads to large medical bills and facilities that often go unpaid. Hospitals are often forced to charge more for services across the board to recover those funds.


Preventive care: It is more likely to be used with health insurance to obtain routine screening and other diagnostic tests by those who can still detect severe medical problems while still treatable. The latest research suggests that more mentally and physically happy individuals were found with health insurance.


Self-worth: You are insuring your cars, house and other physical items, so why would you decide to put yourself last? Car or home repair can be costly, but if something went wrong with you, did you think it what will cost to fix it?

Conclusion: So our advice is that even if you take health coverage from your company, we should have our own health insurance coverage!!